Proactive IT Strategy at Thriveon

12 Step Program to a Modern Workplace

Written by Ashley Chambliss | 9/10/21 7:59 PM

1.Set Up Remote Work Stations for Your Employees

Remote and hybrid work are continuing to rise, and employees are starting to desire the ability to work from anywhere. Ditch the VPN and keep your efficiencies with remote work stations.

2. Connect to the Cloud

It's high time all of your business applications be moved to the cloud. These web-based applications are hosted by the maker of the software which eliminates the need to purchase a server or hosting.

3. Get Cyber Insurance

Managed IT Services and cyber insurance help to protect your most vital assets: your devices and technology. Cyber insurance is there as a backup if a security event were to take place.

4. Implement Security Policies

Head off sophisticated efforts of bad actors by enabling multi-factor authentication and requiring use of complex passwords and password managers. Consider evaluating your email solution if you have an exchange email server.

5. Simplify Your Tech and Reduce Unnecessary Costs

You may have all the latest and greatest software tools. But that doesn't mean they're right for your business. Invest in the tools that are optimized for your industry, and leave the rest.

Read eBook: The Microsoft Teams Experience

6. Integrate Your Systems

Whenever possible, systems that talk to each other should be integrated increasing your efficiency and productivity. Doing more on one platform saves you time and money.

7. Follow IT Best Practices

It's important to keep up with the continual technology shifts and IT Best Practices as they can change rapidly. Keep your technology audited and aligned by following the latest guidance from the IT experts.

8. Utilize Digital Collaboration Tools

Task Managers and Project Planners are vital to any successful organization. Adding digital collaboration tools to your tech stack will improve both efficiency and performance for your employees.

9. Plan Cross-Departmentally

Regular collaboration and planning with every department to understand their unique needs and goals will ensure the right technology is in place to support them and enable both departmental and organizational success.

10. Bring a vCIO to the Strategic Table

Delegating to a dedicated Fractional CIO who can lead the charge on all things IT at your organization - running technology audits based on IT best practices, managing support requests and projects and ensuring you're cybersecure - is a must in today's modern workplace.

11. Leverage a Proactive, Engaged IT Group to Support Your Entire Technology Spend

An engaged IT group like Thriveon exists to support your entire technology stack. From Microsoft products to printers to 3rd party solutions, we'll be there with a solution, a strategy and a smile. 

12. Consider Microsoft's Modern Workplace and Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams can replace your instant messenger, task manager, online meeting platform, file server, phone system and even business intelligence dashboards. We can help you implement and strategize!