Proactive IT Strategy at Thriveon

3 Signs Your Company Is Missing Out on Digital Transformation

Written by Ashley Chambliss | 1/28/22 8:54 PM

No one wants to think of their company as outdated. But the reality is technology and digital needs are changing at a rapid pace. It can be difficult to keep up and understand which business technologies are best suited for your industry and your specific organization. Modernizing your workplace is more than just adopting new flashy hardware or office furniture in a great location with a spectacular view. It is setting up your employees with the digital tools they need to collaborate more efficiently, work more productively, and achieve the best results for you. The right tools can also boost employee engagement which leads to reduced turnover and job dissatisfaction.  

What Is Digital Transformation? 

Digital transformation is the integration of digital technology into all areas of business, fundamentally changing how you operate and deliver value to customers. It requires organizations to build a culture of continually challenging the status quo, experimenting, and getting comfortable with misses.  

What Are the Three Signs of Not Engaging in Digital Transformation? 

1. Change Is Not Encouraged or Implemented 

“It’s just the way we’ve always done it.” Sound familiar? Though many leaders in organizations are incredibly innovative and open to change, some are not comfortable or not willing to try new things with technology. When limping along with outdated technologies is the norm, you run the risk of lower productivity and performance results, when it is just a matter of investing in the right technologies. This can save costs in the long run.  

Read: How did this Financial Services company save with a Modern Workplace? 

2. Systems Do Not Align Cross-Departmentally  

When departments are misaligned, it can cause a lack of communication and wasted time. Having disparate solutions happens when one department oversees seeking out a new tool or solution without talking to the other departments and how they might benefit. However, when you’re engaged in digital transformation and an IT leader is leading the effort, they can discuss solutions that work for the entire company, not just one department.  

3. IT Issues Are Stacking Up 

One surefire sign of lacking in digital transformation and proactive improvement of systems is IT issues and tickets are piling up. Whether you work with an outsourced IT firm or have an internal team, continual support tickets are not sustainable. It causes response times to slow and frustrated employees when they cannot get their systems to work for them. In today’s digital era, constant support tickets do not have to be the norm. By adopting the right technologies, your company will see these issues reduce and resolve.  

How Do I Get Started with Digital Transformation? 

The good news is you’re not alone at the top. As a key decision maker in your organization, you have a wide array of responsibilities. Though you may excel at delegation, your people are busy managing the day-to-day operations of their own job duties. Thriveon exists to manage your IT and implement your entire technology stack into your strategic plan. IT no longer must be managed as a cost-controlled asset, but it is maintained within your C-Suite with a dedicated Fractional CIO that will work alongside you to ensure modernization, productivity, and employee satisfaction is the new norm in your business. 

To learn more about digital transformation and how we are improving the lives of our clients every day, schedule your FREE IT Strategy Session today!