Proactive IT Strategy at Thriveon

Cloud Network Security: Is Your Data Safe?

Written by Gemini | 11/29/22 3:00 PM

For most businesses, cloud computing is affordable for scaling operations, storing data, facilitating collaboration and managing workflow. Most public and private cloud providers follow rigorous security protocols because their livelihood depends upon them. However, any type of hosted service that can be accessed via the internet has its vulnerabilities. Businesses of all types and sizes must take cloud computing security risks seriously.

Without proper prevention and monitoring, your cloud-based applications remain at risk for attacks internally and externally. What can you do to bolster your cloud network security? Let’s look at the most common cloud security problems businesses face and some strategies for dealing with them.

What Is Cloud Security?

Cloud security uses tools and procedures to protect cloud-based data and networks from being attacked, exploited and misused. Holistically managed cloud security protects your cloud data, applications and infrastructure.

Cyber threats and attacks can occur in numerous ways. With online assets and cloud-based data, the challenge is to keep your business secure within the framework of a third-party provider while following the framework of the five pillars of cybersecurity: 

  • Identify
  • Protect
  • Detect
  • Respond
  • Recover

Working in the cloud can also raise issues with legal compliance, business continuity and human error. A comprehensive security strategy will address these issues and more.

What Are the Security Risks of Cloud Computing?

Essentially, anything that you access over the internet can be accessed by someone else. While cloud providers hold to strong security measures, the entry points you and your employees use to access the cloud, along with your servers and internal infrastructure, are all at risk. Securing these vulnerabilities is the goal of a managed cloud security program. 

While cloud computing is typically more secure than the hardware-based alternative, there are inherent risks. The potential consequences of a cyberattack on your cloud systems might include:

  • Loss of data
  • Loss of money
  • Reputation damage
  • Identity theft
  • Ransomware

To minimize these risks, ensure that your cloud is secure by following the best practices set forth by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

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Cloud Security Best Practices

From day one, you must protect your business from cloud attacks by hackers and cyber criminals. Here are the top solutions that will help you remain secure.

1. Configuration

The number one issue with cloud-based computing is configuration. Misconfiguration of your cloud network by whoever is responsible (by the provider, team or IT consultant) can immediately leave you vulnerable. Ensure your cloud is installed and tested properly by a trusted professional well-versed in current cybersecurity protocols.

2. Identity and Access

Who has access to your cloud, and what level of authority do they have? A common mistake is giving all your employees the same level of access within your cloud. This can lead to human errors and the wrong people working in the wrong spaces. It creates a greater surface within your cloud and a bigger target for attack. Part of your cloud security measures should include monitoring individual activity and putting restrictions in place accordingly. 

3. Data Loss Prevention

Losing valuable data is likely your number one concern with cloud storage. Secure cloud storage must be approached differently than other storage methods. Cloud storage creates a complex, ever-changing environment and requires tools that work across these environmental shifts. 

4. Security Monitoring

Using AI-based technology, you can implement an automated threat monitoring system that will alert you to any potential threats and attacks. The challenge is ensuring your monitoring system is regularly updated to address evolving risks. A dedicated IT team that remains current on best practices in this area is your best defense.

5. Continuity and Recovery

If your cloud does experience a breach, you’ll want to be able to recover as quickly as possible with minimal disruption. An essential component of any cloud security solution is a recovery plan. Ideally, your data is backed up, and your team has the tools and services to resume normal operations with little, if any, impact on daily operations.

6. Legal Compliance

The cloud can present additional challenges if your business works in healthcare, insurance, defense or any industries requiring strict regulations. Your cybersecurity program must take special precautionary measures to ensure you don’t risk your licensing. This may involve extra security checks and extended monitoring. 

Do I Need Cloud Security Managed Services?

Cloud security services are a necessity for every business. No one is safe from a potential cyberattack in the cloud and across all of your channels. 

Unfortunately, keeping up with cloud-based security protocols is a full-time job. With the rapid pace of technology changes and the accelerated rate of cyberattacks, you need a team dedicated to 24/7 cloud protection. 

If your business uses cloud technology, find an IT professional that can protect your assets. Traditional security tools often fail in such a flexible environment. Be sure that your IT solution includes cloud-based security solutions that meet your needs.

Your Holistic Managed Cloud Security Provider

Thriveon takes a holistic approach to IT services. That means we look at your technology in terms of your business goals and match you with the services that will accelerate your success. Regarding cloud data security, our proactive approach means we’re fortifying your systems daily to prevent any event. We prevent attacks instead of filling service tickets.

Schedule a consultation today to learn how we can keep your cloud safe and secure for all your employees.