Some red flags have popped up that are causing you to question if you have outgrown your current IT company or internal staff. The thought of researching options and then transitioning to another IT provider can make you groan because you know it's going to take your time, and you're not really sure if there is anything better to be found. But the consequences of doing nothing are that working with the wrong IT company could stymie your business growth, and the threat of more serious issues will continue to loom on the horizon. Check out these five signs that you have outgrown your IT provider and see if they confirm your feelings about your current IT situation.
1. Response Time is Slow
Whether response time isn't what it used to be, or the demands on your business have increased and you just need IT support to do better, slow response from your IT company slows down your employees.
2. Too Many Issues
Your employees are dependent upon technology to get their work done more than ever before. The experience they have with technology becomes synonymous with their experience with your company. When staff are constantly road blocked by IT issues, your workplace can become tense. Stress on your staff is one result of having to constantly deal with IT issues. When staff come to expect that things won't go well, the effect can impact your success in retaining employees and keeping customers happy, ultimately affecting your bottom line.
3. Problems Don't Get Resolved
There are several reasons why IT issues can go on and on, but when the same problems keep popping up, your confidence in the overall performance of your technology is sure to dip. Does IT not have the capability to fix the problems or are they just not taking the time?
4. IT Doesn't Lead
You hire IT experts with the expectation that they will bring knowledge of best practices and provide you with forward-looking recommendations. If you have to learn about what should be done or have to create the IT strategy by yourself so that you can ask for them to do it, you’re probably wondering what else is missing.
5. IT Investment and Results Don't Add Up
When there is a disconnect between the money you’re spending on IT, and the results you’re observing, ROI on your investment is hard to find. As your business has matured, you need IT to mature, too. It’s not enough to just keep things working. You need IT to improve the business.
If you see red flags, and you know it's time to make a change in your IT solution, how can you assure that you are going to get different results from the next IT provider? Follow these steps as you are exploring other IT support options:
Prepare for this conversation by learning about different IT support options and the Top 10 IT Results that SMBs Expect.