Every single day, your internal IT team faces the daunting challenge of ensuring that your network is secure and running at peak efficiency. Moreover, your IT staff are expected to provide speedy and effective support and guidance for any employees or customers experiencing technical difficulties at all times in order to meet the growing demand for 24/7 IT support. And as if all of these responsibilities weren’t enough, your internal IT team needs to constantly research and incorporate the newest and most efficacious Information Technology tools and cybersecurity measures to maximize business efficiency and mitigate the risk of cybercrime.
Considering this incredibly demanding checklist of duties, it’s no wonder that a vast majority of internal IT teams lack the time, energy and budget required to fully support their organization. Worse yet, many small to mid-sized businesses suffering from excessive technology downtime or unoptimized processes due to an insufficiently supported internal IT team make the grievous mistake of ignoring these core IT issues, resulting in higher labor costs, employee frustration, financial unpredictability and security breaches that threaten to cripple or shut down their operations entirely.
At Thriveon, we’re passionate about connecting Minnesota businesses across every industry with all the resources and guidance they need to optimize their IT systems and achieve marked improvements in efficiency, profitability and growth. That’s why we offer industry-leading IT department services that align Information Technology investments with business goals to create cost-effective and hassle-free IT systems that scale to meet the ever-changing requirements of the clients we serve. Today, we’ll be providing you with four simple and effective ways to support your internal IT staff in order to improve your business's IT results.
By developing a smart and effective IT strategy for your business, you can transform your IT into a key business function that drives every department in your organization towards its specific objectives. This plan of action will guide your IT staff whenever they’re required to invest in new technology or establish fresh initiatives to improve business efficiency, fostering higher IT ROI and ensuring that you won’t be burned by bad technology investments. Moreover, because the process of creating and implementing IT strategy necessitates interactions between each department, it can play a pivotal role in encouraging collaboration and consolidation throughout your organization. Best of all, you don’t need to have decades of technology experience under your belt to devise a serviceable IT strategy for your internal team. All you have to do is follow these seven easy steps to get started on the road to improved business results through strategic IT.
Once again, most internal IT teams are far too busy with running daily operations and putting out fires to stay at the forefront of IT best practices. That’s where high-quality sources of Information Technology education come in. For example, our Knowledge Center contains a veritable treasure trove of free e-books and guides on the latest and greatest IT and cybersecurity solutions. We’ve also published an e-book that focuses exclusively on Information Technology strategy. With the help of these educational resources, your internal staff can substantially improve their productivity and the quality of their IT investments, resulting in markedly improved IT results.
IT managed service providers are companies that specialize in developing outsourced IT departments for clients. They can also be used to more fully support an organization's internal IT staff through IT leadership, management and strategy. Here at Thriveon, we develop fully customized IT services that scale to meet the needs of your business for a fixed monthly fee. A partnership with our organization includes experienced IT leadership and the creation of an Information Technology roadmap that provides your internal IT staff with guidance and recommended steps to increase IT ROI and business value. We’ll also protect your company with a secure network and proven cybersecurity programs, consolidate your IT needs into a simple plan each month and maximize productivity and customer satisfaction by preventing technology downtime.
Regrettably, IT is a (mostly) thankless job, and that’s because a majority of employees, clients and business leaders alike expect their network to run perfectly at all times and only approach IT team members when something’s amiss. And while it’s imperative to notify your IT team when technical issues arise, it’s also important to show sincere appreciation for the exceptional work they put in each and every day to keep your organization up and running. Even a brief shout-out during a monthly meeting or a concise letter of thanks can make all the difference when your IT staff feel overwhelmed or underappreciated. As a business owner or corporate executive, it’s your responsibility to keep employee morale high and drive team members to do their very best. So, next time your IT staff exceeds expectations, take a few minutes to show your gratitude for their hard work. Trust us, your efforts won’t go unnoticed.
Call or message us today if you’re interested in working with an IT support company that combines peerless strategy and management to help your business thrive. We can schedule a meeting to discover how the results of your current IT staff compare to some of our clients and teach you how our proven processes can be used to bolster their efforts and achieve incredible business success.