Proactive IT Strategy at Thriveon

Identifying IT Waste

Written by Sam Bloedow | 9/15/15 8:52 PM

You might have a storage closet full of the huge, old style computer monitors, some keyboards, a router or two, and some software discs. That kind of waste is certainly due to be delivered to the recycling center, but the kind of IT waste that can affect your business nearly every day is usually measured in time.

S-L-O-W is Frustrating

We are busy people and we don’t want to wait too long for programs to start, for reports to populate, or for servers to save and deliver our documents. Wait time is lost time, and in addition to being a source of waste for a business, it can affect the attitudes of technology users by providing continual frustration. Consider the accountant who needs to open and close a program multiple times just to run a report or the manufacturing quality technician who is lagging behind production in creating box labels because the printer can’t keep up.

Lost Data Could Lose a Customer

Disaster may not only be caused by a major weather event. Disaster could be the loss of a server and its data because of improper maintenance, poor equipment planning, or inadequate security. The loss of data can mean hours of manual work and could put customer relationships in jeopardy because they lose confidence in your ability to fulfill their needs with accuracy and efficiency.

Poor Hardware and Software Choices

Having the right tool for the job makes sense in any line of work. Choosing the right technology tools saves time and effort for your employees, just as an air hammer saves time and effort for a carpenter. Troubleshooting issues with vendors can be time consuming, taking people away from activities that would be a better use of their time.

Missed Opportunities for Collaboration

Collaboration systems work to eliminate waste by creating structured processes that allow users to work more efficiently no matter where they are. Putting tools in place to allow employees to work together can remove limitations and help employees be more productive.

When It’s Time to Do Something

Sometimes you can’t identify the ways that your Information and Technology is creating waste because you aren’t aware of how technology can be used to enable your business success. Do you have 30 minutes to explore how you could get the kind of results from IT that will power your success? Schedule a discovery meeting by calling us at 855-767-2571 or email

Not ready for a discussion? Learn about the IT results you can expect from different IT support options.