Cybersecurity in the Cloud

Ashley Chambliss
guy in office looking at device leaning back with clouds in the background

By their very nature, cloud-based tools are internet-reliant, which brings forth a set of security concerns for any business leader. Though there are many reasons we recommend businesses to implement cloud-based platforms, it stands to reason that cybersecurity measures go hand-in-hand with cloud platforms and any web-based accounts. Let’s dive into considerations of the cloud and some quick tips to ensure success while using online platforms when it comes to security risks.  

Read: Advantages and Disadvantages of Cloud Computing for Your Business 

Cloud Considerations 

Cloud computing means hosting information online instead of on your computer or your company’s local network. With the cloud, there are many advantages, such as easy access, mobility and higher levels of security. That said, it is important to ensure you have the proper cybersecurity measures in place to mitigate harmful hacking attempts.  

Download eBook: What Can the Cloud Do for Your Business? 

Cybersecurity Guidelines for Cloud 

The biggest threat to cloud security is the human element. It is important to train your employees in basic cybersecurity precautions and set up your systems to avoid potential issues. When developing cybersecurity programs, many businesses focus on protecting their infrastructure perimeter and device endpoints.  

After all, that’s where cybercriminals usually first gain access and wreak havoc on a company’s digital access. But it’s also important to consider what happens when a threat bypasses perimeter defenses and targets an employee in the form of a malicious email or text, or even a voicemail that might prompt an employee to respond with confidential company information. The following categories need to be followed by every employee to build up security in the workplace and online: 

  1. Physical Security Precautions 

  2. Email Threats 

  3. Mobile Security 

  4. Secure Website Browsing 

  5. Security as Part of IT Strategy

    Read: Cybersecurity Guidelines for Secure Behavior Online and In the Office 

The Right IT Partner for Cloud and Cybersecurity 

With both cloud and cybersecurity concerns, it is important to have a team of IT experts in place. At Thriveon, we provide cybersecurity and IT best practices – over 500 of them – to audit and align your company to.

Schedule a free IT strategy session today to learn more.  


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