How to Use Copilot with Your Most Used Microsoft Apps

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Integrating technology to simplify tasks and enhance productivity has become essential to the digital age and modern workplace. Among these powerful tools is Microsoft Copilot, an AI-driven tool that revolutionizes your experience with Microsoft 365 tools. Seamlessly integrated with apps like Word, PowerPoint, Outlook and Teams, Copilot offers a secure and efficient way to manage tasks, create content and organize your workflow.

Discover how you can harness the power of Copilot in your day-to-day activities and significantly enhance your productivity, creativity and organization.

Read: Exploring Microsoft’s Copilot

1. Copilot and Word                                                                                          

Microsoft Word is a staple for document creation, and Copilot’s capabilities are a game-changer. Copilot functions as a secure, intelligent assistant within your 365 portal, offering features similar to ChatGPT but tailored to your specific needs. When drafting documents, whether they are marketing materials or plan drafts, Copilot can provide a starting point, helping you brainstorm and create coherent and well-structured content based on your input.

Copilot can pull information from your files stored in OneDrive and Teams to ensure your documents are comprehensive and relevant. Its AI-driven insights help optimize your content for clarity, style, grammar and tone, and it can even provide suggestions for SEO. This feature lets you focus on refining your ideas rather than getting bogged down in the initial drafting phase.

2. Copilot and OutlookMicrosoft Outlook use copilot with most used Microsoft apps Outlook

Managing emails can be overwhelming and time-consuming, but Copilot helps make your inbox more manageable in Outlook. With its ability to summarize lengthy email threads with numerous participants, Copilot provides you with concise overviews, ensuring you catch the essential details without wasting time wading through every message. This feature is especially valuable for staying on top of communications.

Copilot also assists in drafting emails, whether you need a formal proposal or a quick response. Simply provide a prompt, and Copilot will create a draft you can customize to suit your needs, ensuring your emails are polished and professional. Additionally, it can set reminders for important emails, ensuring you never miss a crucial follow-up.

3. Copilot and PowerPoint

Creating engaging and informative presentations is essential for effective communication, and Copilot makes this process more efficient in PowerPoint. By analyzing your existing documents and data, Copilot can help you generate visually appealing slides that highlight key points and data insights. It can suggest slide layouts, design elements and even entire presentation structures based on your input. Whether you’re preparing for a business meeting or a training session, Copilot can streamline the presentation creation process, saving you valuable time and enhancing the quality of your work.

4. Copilot and TeamsMicrosoft Teams use copilot with most used Microsoft apps Teams

Meetings are a vital part of collaboration, and Copilot enhances the Teams experience by ensuring nothing is missed. Once you set a meeting, Copilot can help you create an agenda and transcribe conversations, providing a detailed summary of key points and action items. This allows you to stay engaged in discussions without worrying about taking notes.

For those who can’t attend meetings due to scheduling conflicts, Copilot’s recap feature ensures you’re still informed about what was discussed. It creates to-do lists based on meeting outcomes, helping you keep track of and prioritize tasks and deadlines. With Copilot, you can participate more actively in meetings and follow up on essential items with ease.

Read: Microsoft Copilot Unveils Expansions and New Features

The Future of Copilot

As Microsoft continues to evolve Copilot, its integration within 365 applications will deepen, offering more sophisticated features. As you explore how Copilot can enhance your productivity and efficiency in the modern workplace, ensuring proper data security and access levels is crucial. This will help prevent unauthorized data access and ensure that Copilot is used responsibly.

That’s where Thriveon comes into play. We can help you navigate the evolving landscape of AI and Copilot while implementing robust cybersecurity controls that protect your sensitive information. Clients who move to the Microsoft 365 environment also save over 250 hours and $800 per user annually.

Reach out to us today to see how Copilot can transform your workflow.

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