Proactive IT Strategy at Thriveon

Avoiding Data Loss, Recovery and Backup Problems

Written by Gemini | 3/2/23 3:00 PM

Data loss can be catastrophic to your business. The data recovery process is costly, time-consuming and unreliable. The best way to avoid losing access to your valuable data is through prevention, including having a secure backup in place. Does your company have the necessary safeguards?

To avoid data loss and ensure you have an effective backup plan, use a trusted IT professional to audit your network for vulnerabilities and build a protective reservoir for your business files if something goes wrong.

The Causes of Data Loss with Prevention Tips

There’s no single reason why you might lose access to your data. Anything from an equipment failure to a cyberattack could be the culprit. Here are the five  most common reasons:

  1. Human Error

People make mistakes. They delete things, open virus-infected emails and spill their drinks on expensive equipment. To minimize human errors around your data:

  1. Hard Drive Failure

Equipment will eventually fail. You must have an ongoing plan to upgrade and replace your hardware so that it continues to serve your company’s needs. Backing up data in multiple places will also prevent this from being devastating. 

  1. Outages or Natural Disasters

Fires, floods and electrical storms can wipe out large amounts of work in a flash. Ensure your data is backed up in multiple places, including the cloud, during a natural disaster.

  1. Malware and Cyber Attacks

Many types of cyberattacks can cause your data to be stolen, corrupted, or ransomed. You could lose time, money, productivity and reputation if the right attack gets through. Protect your data from malicious attacks by implementing the proper cybersecurity measures, including anti-virus software and a firewall. Make sure you update your software regularly to keep your protection current. 

  1. Theft

Whether it’s by external or internal thieves, data gets stolen. Cybercriminals and disgruntled employees alike can wreak havoc on your data. Protect yourself with the proper security measures, including password protection. If you must fire someone, reset your passwords quickly and always use multi-step authentication.

Read: Disaster Recovery Checklist

How and Where to Back Up Your Data

Because there are many ways that your files can become lost, stolen or compromised, you need to take a holistic approach to data storage. Back up your data in multiple locations using a variety of methods. Most importantly, keep at least one backup point separate from your main network so the attackers can't reach your backup if you get hit with an attack. Here are four ways to backup data:

  1. Network Attached Storage (NAS)

Network attachment storage uses an ethernet connection and local area network (LAN), usually without an internet connection, that allows data to transfer solely within your network.

  1. External Drive

An external hard drive, flash drive or CD drive can create physical copies of your data. The downside is the time and effort involved with using them. 

  1. Cloud Storage

More businesses are discovering cloud storage. There are three layers of cloud storage to ensure that all your data is secure. You can automate your backups to ensure everything stays up to date and use clouds as your primary storage. When using the cloud, assign access so that only the necessary personnel can access important files. 

  1. Storage Area Network (SAN)

Like network-attached storage, a storage area network is a high-speed, in-network solution. SANs store backup data in larger blocks vs. individual files. They are intended more for storage than working applications. 

How Often Should You Back Up Your Data?

There’s no penalty for being proactive. At a minimum, you should back up your data weekly, but ideally, you do it once every 24 hours. If your business creates and changes data daily, you’ll want to ensure the day’s work is saved. The cadence of your backup schedule could depend on your daily data use.

You can back data up manually or automatically. Still, without a regular backup plan, you could lose valuable financial information, personnel records, work orders, documents and other important files. A dedicated IT person can help you determine your business's best backup and recovery plan. 

What’s Your Data Backup and Recovery Plan?

Data preservation and recovery involve a lot of moving parts. It’s a critical process for any business that uses and stores data. It may not seem important until you need it, and it’s too late.

If you're looking for an IT team that protects your data and proactively secures your network, talk to Thriveon today. We assess the needs of businesses like yours daily to ensure that the files crucial to their operation remain accessible and secure.

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