Sam Bloedow to Speak to SMAHRA About Cybersecurity

Lori Creighton
close the door on cyber crime

The responsibility for cybersecurity can’t lie with IT alone when so many breaches occur due to human behavior. On March 30, Thriveon CEO and founder Sam Bloedow will be speaking to HR professionals in Mankato, providing practical tactics that they can use to develop cybersecurity awareness and employee habits that will lessen the risk of cyber attacks and their severe business impacts.

In this presentation for the Southern MN Area Human Resource Association (SMAHRA), Sam will help participants understand how the cybercriminal ecosystem has evolved, making small and medium-sized businesses rich targets for cybercrime. He’ll guide the audience into a new understanding of cybersecurity awareness as a company priority by discussing some of the threats employees could encounter during their workday, including social engineering, phishing and web-based exploits.

HR professionals can play an essential role in how companies protect their business information and employees from cybercrime. Participants at this event will take away practical information on cybersecurity habits that can be implemented immediately and learn guidelines for effective cybersecurity training.

Need a Speaker for Your Event?

Sam can customize a presentation to fit your unique audience in topics that range from IT strategy and cybersecurity to leadership and entrepreneurship.

Contact Sam to discuss your event.

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