Proactive IT Strategy at Thriveon

Navigating the Benefits of Transitioning IT Providers

Written by Thriveon | 1/18/24 1:45 PM

Businesses often find themselves at a crossroads when considering a switch from internal IT management to external managed service providers (MSPs) or when changing from one MSP to another.

Although the benefits of such a transition can be significant, as reliable IT support can protect against cyber threats, handle IT issues and streamline operations, the process is not without its pains and challenges. Knowing the difficulties associated with changing IT providers and the strategies to effectively counteract these challenges can help your company avoid painful pitfalls and pave the way for a seamless transition.

Read: Internal vs. Outsourced IT: 5 Reasons You Should Outsource Your IT

Transitioning IT Provider Challenges and Solutions

  1. Data migration and integration: Shifting from one IT provider to another involves the seamless transfer of data and integration of systems. This complicated process can lead to potential data loss, downtime and business disruptions.

    Solution: Develop a meticulous data migration plan that includes thorough testing and validation to ensure a smooth transition. Collaborate closely with both the outgoing and incoming providers to minimize potential pitfalls.

  2. Resistance to change: Employees may resist change due to unfamiliarity with the new systems or fear of disruptions to their workflow. The truth is that inadequate training and preparation can lead to decreased productivity.

    Solution: Training becomes a critical aspect of the transition period. Implement a comprehensive training program for employees, offering support before, during and after the transition. Communication is key, so clearly communicate the benefits of the new systems and address concerns to alleviate anxiety.

  3. Contractual and legal implications: Switching IT providers often involves navigating complex contractual and legal landscapes. Breaking contracts prematurely or overlooking legal implications can result in financial penalties and disputes.

    Solution: Conduct a thorough review of existing contracts and engage legal professionals to ensure a smooth transition without violating any agreements. Clearly define expectations and terms with the new provider to avoid any misunderstandings.

  4. Loss of institutional knowledge: Internal IT teams possess valuable institutional knowledge about the company’s systems, processes and challenges. They also form strong interpersonal connections with employees and their needs. This knowledge loss can hinder the efficiency of the new IT provider. 

    Solution: Facilitate a knowledge transfer process between the internal team and the new provider. Document critical information, procedures and configurations to minimize the impact of knowledge loss. You can also host regular meetings to ensure proper alignment with business objectives and expectations, as well as address any misunderstandings or concerns as they arise.

  5. Maintaining service levels: During the transition, there’s a risk of service disruptions, affecting day-to-day operations. This can lead to customer dissatisfaction, loss of revenue and damaged organizational reputation.

    Solution: Implement a phased transition plan that ensures continuous service levels. Monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) closely and have contingency plans to promptly address any unforeseen issues.

Benefits of Outsourcing IT

Many benefits come with outsourcing IT, making it worth the challenging transition:

  • Cost-effective: Unlike internal IT, which includes recruitment, rising salaries and training costs, outsourced IT often has a set price. You also don’t have to provide physical office space or updated software and hardware for MSP professionals.
  • Expertise and industry knowledge: In-house teams might know your internal systems forward and backward, but outsourced IT has the expertise and industry knowledge that helps them handle any IT issue, no matter how big or small. Overwhelmed IT teams cannot resolve problems and adapt swiftly to address business needs. These specialists know how to strategically handle network security, cloud moving and more, ensuring comprehensive support and proactive solutions. To guarantee you’re working with top talent, look at previous reviews or references.
  • 24/7 availability: Internal IT is often limited to standard business hours, making it difficult to address issues that occur during the weekends or at night, which can lead to downtime and damaged reputations. MSPs are there when you need them, no matter the day or time. This is especially beneficial for disaster recovery or emergencies.
  • Flexibility and scalability: With outsourced IT, resources are available when needed, helping businesses scale up or down. MSPs can help companies focus on their core operations while they handle technology-related tasks, which frees up internal resources. They also upgrade equipment without disrupting daily operations, ensuring the technology evolves with changing business needs.
  • Stronger security and compliance: Many outsourcing companies can monitor your IT infrastructure and implement strategies to strengthen your security and eliminate threats before they occur. These measures often meet cybersecurity compliance requirements, too.

Thriveon Can Ease the Transition

Careful planning, open communication and a proactive approach can help turn a challenging transition into opportunities for growth and improvement. You can also work with Thriveon, a proactive managed IT company dedicated to seamless transitions.

We understand that contemplating a change in your business operations can be exciting and overwhelming. We emphasize the pains of change and are committed to ensuring a worry-free experience with our four-week onboarding process. Our process has been meticulously designed to anticipate and address transition challenges, as well as your IT needs, so we can create a smooth transition to our managed IT services.

If you’d like to further discuss our onboarding process in more detail, schedule a meeting with us now.