Your Business Is at Risk with Microsoft Exchange

Ashley Chambliss
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It is now more urgent than ever to remove Microsoft Exchange from your devices. Insurance companies are turning down and removing insurance to businesses still on Microsoft Exchange. 

Why Is My Business at Risk? 

Without cyber insurance, your business is left wide open to vulnerabilities and attacks, without the potential to recoup what you may lose in the event of an attack.  

Read: IT Best Practices that Get Missed: Microsoft Exchange Server 

What Happened to Microsoft Exchange? 

The Microsoft Exchange Server used to be the gold standard for email, calendars and task management, but it is now a huge vulnerability to your business on three fronts, whether on-premises or hosted:  

  • Multiple cybercriminal groups continue exploiting vulnerabilities in the platform in new and different ways daily. This allows them to gain access to your exchange server and gives them a foothold, allowing them entry to your entire network.
  • Microsoft is not keeping up with fixes for these vulnerabilities at the rate they are happening. Instead, they created a replacement from the ground up in Office 365 (O365), which doesn’t contain the same security vulnerabilities. O365 was built with security in mind.
  • We are seeing cyber liability insurers warn their clients that if they have a Microsoft Exchange Server in their environment when policy renewal time comes, they will not allow them to renew their cyber liability policy.

How Is My Business at Risk? 

In early March 2021, the White House warned of a ‘large number’ of victims as the Microsoft Exchange server compromise escalated. If you are still on the Microsoft Exchange server, it is imperative to remove it as quickly as possible. If your IT group has not already informed you, you should immediately notify the IT group to audit and align your Exchange Servers with the released updates. While the vulnerabilities are not impacting Microsoft 365 services, companies often leave Exchange Servers set up to work in conjunction with Microsoft 365, leaving the vulnerability present.

Contact us for more information or to set up a call to see how we can walk you through the move to Microsoft 365.

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