Proactive IT Strategy at Thriveon

Using Microsoft Teams for Business Intelligence

Written by Ashley Chambliss | 9/8/21 12:15 PM

Is your organization data-driven? Are the measurements you need to effectively evaluate your company’s success metrics readily available to you? Are they customizable or easily accessible?  

You can answer these questions with a resounding “yes!” with Power BI’s integration with Microsoft Teams. Integrate your favorite dashboards and analytics tools into one platform using this powerful feature set. View your measurables on the same platform you and your team are already using daily to chat, create and hold meetings, collaborate remotely, access critical files and information and as a full-service phone system.

According to The Total Economic Impact of Microsoft Teams, a Forrester study, Microsoft Teams saves on average four hours a week per computer user, enhancing organizational productivity across the board and using Teams for Business Intelligence metrics, which will help to get you there.

Using Power BI in Microsoft Teams for Business Intelligence 

The idea of Business Intelligence for you, as a business leader, means that you will not have to use multiple different sources or software packages or have the need to utilize IT to set up custom dashboards and analytics reports to help track your performance goals. As an executive, you can easily slice and select your own data fields to view and create custom reports and then share them with your colleagues via Teams. 

What Is Power BI? 

From Microsoft, “Power BI is a collection of software services, apps, and connectors that work together to turn your unrelated sources of data into coherent, visually immersive, and interactive insights. Your data may be an Excel spreadsheet or a collection of cloud-based and on-premises hybrid data warehouses. Power BI lets you easily connect to your data sources, visualize and discover what's important, and share that with anyone or everyone you want.” 

Getting Started with Power BI 

In Microsoft Teams, go to apps and type in Power BI to add it to your view. A license is required to use Power BI, but there is a 60-day trial available. At the top of the app are tabs for the home page, datasets, create, learn and about. 

Under Create, you have a few choices regarding how you would like to add data. You may paste or manually enter data, pick a published dataset or analyze your Teams data. Using the manually entered data allows you to create reports or datasets right in Microsoft Teams.  

Once you have created or pulled in your datasets, you can access them under the Datasets tab. You may also choose to select certain datasets as your Favorites. These can be accessed on the left-hand navigation. There, too, you can find a tab called Goals, where you can use scorecards to track and measure progress toward related goals and subgoals and add your scorecards to track each Team and Department. 


Workspaces allow you to collaborate with your team to create dashboards and reports. It is where you can save reports, dashboards, datasets and workbooks that other users can access.  

We Can Help 

The versatility of Microsoft Teams and the ability to have all your collaboration tools in one platform is unmatched, and with Power BI, you’ll be able to pull in multiple sources of data into one platform in a familiar view where you’re already collaborating in your Teams to evaluate metrics and make decisions. 

It’s never been easier to connect and collaborate than it is with Microsoft Teams. Let us help get you to a modern workplace with Microsoft Teams and the Power BI integration.