Proactive IT Strategy at Thriveon

Is Your Workplace Modern?

Written by Ashley Chambliss | 8/27/21 9:54 PM

As a business leader, your ability to access and utilize digital tools for your organization is no longer merely a means of convenience; it is now an absolute necessity to modernize your workplace through technology. But not just any technology; it has to be the right technology. 

With remote and hybrid work continuing to rise, the future success of your business rests on your company’s aptitude to engage in digital transformation.  

What Is Digital Transformation? 

Digital transformation is the integration of digital technology into all areas of a business, fundamentally changing how you operate and deliver value to customers. It is a cultural change that requires organizations to continually challenge the status quo, experiment and get comfortable with failure. 

Keys to Modernizing Your Business 

Seamless Collaboration 

Effective communication is paramount to your team’s success, so implementing systems, tools and procedures to maximize collaboration through technology will save time while maximizing employee productivity. Do you have an accessible platform available for your team to collaborate effectively without having to hold in-person meetings? A modern workplace provides everything employees need to be able to work together well.  

Integrated Solutions 

Using all-in-one solutions that meet the needs of your organization is one way of leveraging technology to maintain a modern workplace. Tools are constantly becoming more widely diverse in what they can handle. That said, there are times you still may need to leverage specific applications for certain needs.  

The downside to using many disparate systems is threefold: 

  1. Multiple different logins with different usernames and passwords 
  2. Different platform interfaces 
  3. Lack of efficiency moving from one platform to another 

When you have a system that serves your organization in a wide array of ways through one platform, you will not have to deal with these time-consuming issues. For example, Microsoft Teams can be used for more than its chat feature; it can replace external meeting and webinar platforms, separate document management systems, task managers and even your phone system. 

Read: Using Microsoft Teams for Mobile Collaboration 

Cyber Insurance and Protection 

Cyber crime continues to climb, and the bad actors' methods are only getting more sophisticated. You cannot afford to keep the security of your company’s devices on the back burner. Managed service providers (MSPs) partner with companies to bring cybersecurity expertise and technology tools to help thwart the growing threat of cyber crime. Investing in cyber insurance is one way to help protect your assets in the event an attack does occur.  

Business Intelligence Tools 

Utilizing analytics tools to help gauge and maintain your organization’s success metrics is vital to a modernized growing business. With Thriveon’s guidance, we can move you away from unnecessary spreadsheets and documents into intelligence tools that can maximize results-based performance.  

Strategic Auditing and Alignment Based on IT Best Practices 

The Proactive managed IT difference with Thriveon provides a dedicated CIO to guide and strategize the right technology for your business. In addition to 24/7 monitoring and support, Thriveon provides continual IT auditing and aligning your business to 500 industry best practices.

We reduce your IT issues and security vulnerabilities by 90% and modernize your workplace, saving each computer user over 250 hours a year. Using your business plan, we build a strategic roadmap and a budget with a fractional CIO seamlessly integrated into your team. You’ll accomplish more with 80% less of management’s time.

Are You Ready to Become a Modern Workplace? 

A modern workplace has invested in the right technology tools for their business and integrated or synced them to work together for the highest productivity levels available. Engaging in digital transformation is not a one-and-done situation; in fact, it’s a continual progression as technology advances.

Schedule a meeting with Thriveon today to see how we can help you modernize your business.